
The importance of due diligence when considering carbon offsetting programmes
With COP27 moving the focus on climate justice up the agenda, it seemed a good time to share with you a recent conversation between Emily Forsyth-Davies, Head of ESG, Aurum Research Limited and Catherine Bryan, Trustee of Synchronicity Earth, which is a UK registered charity focused on environmental conservation.
Emily and Catherine looked at some of the issues that have been raised at COP27, specifically relating to carbon offsetting initiatives. Catherine detailed Synchronicity Earth’s ‘More than Carbon’ solution, a project that aims to combat issues of climate justice by working with, and for the benefit of, local communities.
Carbon offsetting or balancing programmes are likely to only be successful if they are both backed by and of benefit to local communities.
The discussion is introduced by Emily and Clair Barber, Head of Client Service and Communications, Aurum Research Limited, who look at why these issues are important for investment managers to consider.
Proper due diligence is vital
When considering carbon offsetting or carbon balancing programmes proper due diligence should be conducted on the companies chosen to run these programmes. In the long-term programmes of this sort are likely to only be successful if they are both backed by and of benefit to local communities.
Find out more
You can hear the full discussion below and if you want to find out more about Synchronicity Earth’s work you can visit and to find out more about Aurum’s approach to this and other ESG issues please visit our ESG page or the recent Alternative ESG Symposium page – where you can see full recordings of each session.