Hedge fund performance – explore our live data to February 2025

By strategy – February 2025
By strategy – February 2025
By strategy – year to date
2016 – February 2025

Hedge fund performance by strategy – February 2025
(asset weighted)

How to navigate the treemap

Hovering over one of the coloured boxes in the chart will show some additional information in the form of spark-line charts showing the previous 12 months’ cumulative asset weighted rate of return.

You can drill down further into the data to see key stats and 12 months’ performance dispersion data for each sub-strategy. Click on the strategy you are interested in and you can then click through further into any sub-strategy of interest.

The size of the boxes indicates the proportionate size of a strategy amongst all of the funds monitored by Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine.

To navigate back you can just scroll back on the mouse wheel or click the magnifying glass with the minus button, which can be found in the top right corner of each box.


Want to share our charts? We are happy for you to do so, but please do quote the source: Aurum Research Limited’s Hedge Fund Data Engine
Source: Aurum’s proprietary Hedge Fund Data Engine database containing data on around 3,400 active hedge funds representing around $3.1 trillion of assets as at December 2024. Information in the database is derived from multiple sources including Aurum’s own research, regulatory filings, public registers and other database providers. Performance is asset weighted. Box size reflects the AUM of the hedge fund industry, as tracked by Aurum. See the disclaimer and strategy definition for further details. This webpage and its contents do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or endorsement of any interest in any hedge fund strategy. An investment in a hedge fund should be considered a speculative investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. 

Hedge fund performance by strategy – year to date
(asset weighted)

How to navigate the treemap

Hovering over one of the coloured boxes in the chart will show some additional information in the form of spark-line charts showing the previous 12 months’ cumulative asset weighted rate of return.

You can drill down further into the data to see key stats and 12 months’ performance dispersion data for each sub-strategy. Click on the strategy you are interested in and you can then click through further into any sub-strategy of interest.

The size of the boxes indicates the proportionate size of a strategy amongst all of the funds monitored by Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine.

To navigate back you can just scroll back on the mouse wheel or click the magnifying glass with the minus button, which can be found in the top right corner of each box.



Source: Aurum’s proprietary Hedge Fund Data Engine database containing data on around 3,400 active hedge funds representing around $3.1 trillion of assets as at December 2024. Information in the database is derived from multiple sources including Aurum’s own research, regulatory filings, public registers and other database providers. Performance is asset weighted. Box size reflects the AUM of the hedge fund industry, as tracked by Aurum. See the disclaimer and strategy definition for further details. This webpage and its contents do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or endorsement of any interest in any hedge fund strategy. An investment in a hedge fund should be considered a speculative investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Hedge fund performance from 2016 – February 2025

How to navigate the treemap

The size of the boxes indicates the proportionate size of a strategy amongst all of the funds monitored by Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine.

To navigate back you can just scroll back on the mouse wheel or click the magnifying glass with the minus button, which can be found in the top right corner of each box.


Want to share our charts? We are happy for you to do so, but please do quote the source: Aurum Research Limited’s Hedge Fund Data Engine
Source: Aurum’s proprietary Hedge Fund Data Engine database containing data on around 3,400 active hedge funds representing around $3.1 trillion of assets as at December 2024. Information in the database is derived from multiple sources including Aurum’s own research, regulatory filing, public registers and other database providers. Performance is asset weighted. Box size reflects the AUM of the hedge fund industry, as tracked by Aurum. See the disclaimer and strategy definition for further details. This webpage and its contents do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or endorsement of any interest in any hedge fund strategy. An investment in a hedge fund should be considered a speculative investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. 

Hedge fund performance by strategy – January 2025
(asset weighted)

Notes to chart

Each bubble represents a hedge fund with over $500m AUM as observed by Aurum Hedge Fund Data Engine.

Bubble size is proportionate to reported fund AUM.

Colours represent strategy groupings.

The vertical mid-point position of the groups indicate the 12-month rolling AUM weighted average performance of the funds in that group. Note; this figure includes funds with AUM <$500m, these do not appear as bubbles simply to improve graphical performance.

Hover over a group or X Axis label for more information on strategy AUM, profit, net flows, returns and number of funds in the group.

The Dispersion chart y-axis has been set to a static -60% to +60% range. Any outlier funds with rolling 12m performance outside of this range are not reflected.


Want to share our charts? We are happy for you to do so, but please do quote the source: Aurum Research Limited’s Hedge Fund Data Engine
Source: Aurum’s proprietary Hedge Fund Data Engine database containing data on around 3,400 active hedge funds representing around $3.1 trillion of assets as at December 2024. Information in the database is derived from multiple sources including Aurum’s own research, regulatory filings, public registers and other database providers. Performance is asset weighted. Box size reflects the AUM of the hedge fund industry, as tracked by Aurum. See the disclaimer and strategy definition for further details. This webpage and its contents do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or endorsement of any interest in any hedge fund strategy. An investment in a hedge fund should be considered a speculative investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. 

Deep dives

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Full year 2024


Hedge fund assets – as measured by those funds reporting to Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine – have grown by $103.1bn since the end of 2023 to stand at just under $3.0tn…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Q3 2024


Hedge funds generated positive performance during Q3, up 2.4%, but underperformed both bonds and equities.

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – H1 2024


Hedge fund assets – as measured by those funds reporting to Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine – have grown by $103.1bn since the end of 2023 to stand at just under $3.0tn…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Q1 2024


Hedge funds ended Q1 2024 up 4.9%, outperforming bonds, -2.1%, but behind equities, +7.3%. Quant was the strongest performing master strategy in Q1…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Full year 2023


Hedge fund assets – as measured by those funds reporting to Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine – have grown by $93.2bn since the end of 2022 to stand at…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Q3 2023


Five-year CAR for hedge funds was at 4.9% at the end of Q3, above bonds at -1.7% and just above equities at 4.1%. Global equities*** and bonds** were both down…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – H1 2023


Hedge fund assets – as measured by those funds reporting to Aurum’s Hedge fund Data Engine – have grown by $35.3bn since the end of 2022…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Q1 2023


Global growth surprised markets positively in Q1 2023. Global equities and bonds returned 6.35% and 3.19% respectively. Strategies with higher beta…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Full year 2022


In summary… The hedge fund industry was down 2.4% in 2022. Global equities** and global bonds*** have fallen 20.0% and 16.7% respectively. It has been…

Arbitrage deep dive – Oct 22


The period under review includes ‘the worst cross asset selloff since 1981’ with simultaneous declines across equities, commodities, corporate and…

Macro deep dive – Sep 22


Macro funds generated an average return of 2.2% in the 12 months through September 2022. Strategy AUM has fallen by $11.1bn, due to net outflows of $16.3bn…

Quant deep dive – Aug 22


Quant funds generated an average return of 12.8% in the 12 months to August 2022 Strategy AUM has grown by $42.8bn, net profits contributed $47.8bn of…

Hedge fund industry deep dive – H1 22


Hedge fund performance was down 4.0% YTD. H1 2022 has been an extraordinarily challenging time period, not only for financial markets, but also for the…

Equity long/short deep dive – May 22


Equity l/s underperformed over the past year, with the strategy underperforming directional equities, as well as the broader hedge fund universe. Equity…

Multi-strategy deep dive – Apr 22


Multi-strategy funds posted 12 consecutive months of positive returns during a period that provided a number of significant challenges across the hedge…

Event deep dive – Jan 22


Event driven funds generated an average return of +9.1% in the 12 months to January 2022. AUM has grown by $28.5bn, 76% of this growth was driven by performance….

2021 hedge fund industry deep dive


A combination of positive performance and marginal net inflows saw industry assets grow over the year by just over $243bn. From a growth perspective,…

Arbitrage deep dive – 2021


Arbitrage strategies posted strong performance in the 12 months to October 2021, returning 8.3% net of fees. Yet the master strategy only ranks second…

Quant deep dive – 2021


Whilst over the 12 months to August, quant funds saw positive performance, it has remained a challenging environment on a relative basis when benchmarked…

Hedge fund industry deep dive – H1 2021


Risk assets appreciated in H1, supported primarily by the continued roll-out of the global COVID-19 vaccination programmes as well as the announcement…

Equity long/short deep dive – 2021


12-month review to May 2021Equity Long/ Short (“Equity L/S”) funds typically performed very strongly over the 12 months to May 2021, generating an…

Multi-strategy deep dive – 2021


12-month review to February 2021This is an interesting period to review performance of the multi-strategy master strategy, because it includes two particularly…

Event driven deep dive – 2021


12-month review to February 2021Event driven funds performed exceptionally well in the 12 months to February 2021, generating an average return of 19.1%…

Hedge fund industry deep dive – 2020


2020 Overview2020 will go down in history, not only due to the tragic human cost of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for the scars it has left on the global…

Arbitrage strategy deep dive


12-month review to October 2020Arbitrage strategies generated an average return of 7.1% over the last 12 months; this figure is in line with the broader…

Quant strategy deep dive


12-month review to August 2020The last 12 months have been extremely challenging for the quant space as a whole. Quant hedge funds monitored by the Aurum…

Macro strategy deep dive


12-month review to June 2020There is no doubt that the 12-month period to June 2020 is amongst the most challenging and volatile trading environments that…

Event driven strategy deep dive


12 month review to May 2020The Event Driven funds monitored by Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine delivered an average asset-weighted net return of 2.3%…