Embedded Impact report 2025

Growing and protecting environmental, social and financial capital

2025 Impact report


Aurum’s ESG approach

The Aurum group has always had a strong and committed approach to sustainability, both in the way we run our business and in our approach to social responsibility. You can download our ESG Policy here, and read about our Alternative ESG Symposium here.

Our purpose as a business is to grow and protect capital. Not only our clients’ capital, but also environmental capital; our planet and species and social capital; healthcare and education. We express this through Embedded Impact®.


What is Embedded Impact®?

Aurum is an Embedded Impact® business where donations are structured to proportionately increase as firm AUM increases. Donations are made to selected environmental and humanitarian charities.

This ensures that as we grow and prosper as a business, we are using this success to create meaningful, positive impact.

Aurum also offers two specific Embedded Impact® Funds where donations are made by Aurum from advisor fees.






Key stats:

Sustainable development goals:

Synchronicity Earth Amphibian Programme | Conservation

Earth is home to more than 8,000 species of amphibians – frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and worm-like caecilians. These fascinating animals exhibit a remarkable diversity of colours, forms and app…

Synchronicity Earth Asian Species | Conservation

Southeast Asia has an incredibly rich and vibrant diversity of wildlife and boasts some of our planet’s most extraordinary natural wonders. The region is home to a vast range of unique terrestrial a…

Synchronicity Earth Biocultural Diversity Programme | Conservation

80% of Earth’s remaining terrestrial biodiversity lies within land managed or governed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (“IPLCs”). IPLCs are, typically, ethnic groups who are descende…

Synchronicity Earth Congo Basin Programme | Conservation

The Congo Basin is home to the world’s second largest rainforest and Africa’s second-longest river. This region contains an incredible array of species, as well as acting as a major carbon sink wh…

Synchronicity Earth Freshwater Programme | Conservation

Freshwater habitats host some of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. They are of critical importance for global biodiversity, human prosperity, and climate mitigation and adaptation….

Synchronicity Earth Ocean Programme | Conservation

The ocean is fundamentally important to life on Earth, making up 97% of the liveable space on our planet. The ocean is home to an estimated 2.2 million species and supports the livelihoods of over thr…

Synchronicity Earth SHOAL Partnership | Conservation

Freshwater ecosystems are at the sharp end of the global biodiversity crisis, with an 81% decline in species abundance since 1970. This is a more severe decline than for any other ecosystem type, yet…

Africa Nature Investors Foundation | Conservation

As the most populated country in Africa, Nigeria needs urgent environmental action to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of its resources. Over 80% of environmentally protected areas in Afric…

Buglife | Conservation

Invertebrates are vitally important to a healthy planet. The food we eat, the fish we catch, the birds we see and the flowers we smell simply would not exist without bugs. Invertebrates underpin life…

International Union for Conservation of Nature | Conservation

Aurum Kaleidoscope supports the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Created in 1948, IUCN has evolved into the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network. IUCN harness…

IUCN | Conservation policy engagement

2023 was a decisive time for international climate action. Temperature records were repeatedly broken and climate impacts felt in unprecedented wildfires, floods, storms and droughts worldwide. The UN…

More Than Carbon | Alternative approach to carbon offsetting

Aurum takes a holistic approach to carbon balancing which focuses on building resilience and regenerating ecosystems alongside sequestering carbon, while avoiding some of the pitfalls associated with…

More Than Carbon | Inspiring others

Scientific evidence demonstrates that the most effective way to reinforce the Earth’s capacity to draw down carbon is by protecting existing intact ecosystems. As the saying goes, “prevention is b…







Key stats:

Sustainable development goals:

Adara – Baby Ubuntu | Child protection and wellbeing

It is estimated that globally 53 million children live with a disability, with 95% living in low- and middle-income countries with little access to specialist services. It is vital that we raise aware…

Africa Food for Thought | Child protection and wellbeing

Africa Food for Thought (“AFFT”) provides food security for children, in support of education. Currently, they support nearly 17,000 children in the West Rand of Johannesburg, South Africa. AFFT b…

Hope and Homes for Children | Child protection and wellbeing

Over 80 years of evidence from across the world has demonstrated the significant physical and emotional harm that orphanages and other institutions can cause to the children who inhabit them, despite…

One to One Children’s Fund | Child protection and wellbeing

Around the world, children are living with trauma and disease. The impact on their life chances can be devastating. In the Eastern Cape, where 24% of pregnant mothers are HIV positive, that impact is…

Fair Play Playground | Disability and inclusion

Playgrounds across the UK are not inclusive in the way they need to be, preventing disabled children from obtaining the health benefits and socialisation that most other children and families take for…

Accessible Music and Theatre | Disability and inclusion

There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK. Access to meaningful activities is often limited for learning-disabled people resulting in these adults and children feeling excluded…

Sierra Leone Autistic Society | Disability and inclusion

Sierra Leone remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with almost one in five children not reaching their fifth birthday. Those with rare and complex conditions face little prospect of getti…

Vision Bermuda | Disability and inclusion

In 1954, the Beacon Club began as a social group for people who were blind and vision impaired. It was officially established by the Bermuda Society for the Blind Act in 1957. It was officially regist…

Camp Simcha | Disability and inclusion

When a child has a serious illness, their lives and the lives of their whole family are turned upside down. It is often difficult for caregivers to find normality in daily life, such as providing hot…

Essl Foundation | Disability and inclusion

Access to Assistive Technology (“AT”) deserves greater attention now than ever before. The global report on AT published by WHO and UNICEF in May 2022, found that 2.5 billion people require one or…

Safe Passage | Refugee support

Every day, men, women, and families are forced to make a gut-wrenching decision -abandoning their homes to escape war, persecution and human rights abuses. Surviving such suffering should be their onl…

Choose Love | Refugee support

An estimated 100,000 ethnic Armenians fled their home in Nagorno-Karabakh, after Azerbaijan seized control of the enclave in September 2023. Many thousands gathered in a makeshift camp in the town of…

Mercy Ships | Life-changing healthcare provision

Every two seconds, one person dies from a surgically treatable disease. Globally, it is estimated that five billion people lack access to safe surgical care, with approximately 1.7 billion of those be…

Medical Justice | Aiding persons in immigration detention

Immigration Removal Centres (“IRC”) are full of detained men, women and children including those who have been victims of torture, trafficking and rape. Some people in detention have lived in the…

iheart | Cultivating mental health resilience

A 2022 NHS study found that at least one in six children in England have a probable mental health problem, with over half of all mental health problems starting by the age of 14. Huge attention and re…

Aurum Bursary | Education and social mobility

As part of Aurum’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, we have awarded two university bursaries to promising ARK Academy students who have chosen to follow one of two career streams; one in finan…

Acumen | Changing the way the world tackles poverty

More than two billion people around the world lack access to basic goods and services—from clean water and electricity to an education and the freedom to participate in the economy. A new approach i…

HelpFilm | Promoting philanthropic impact

78% of charities see improving their website, digital presence or social media as the greatest digital priority for the next year. Video plays a fundamental role in all these areas, as it can engender…








Key stats:

Sustainable development goals:

Aurum Kaleidoscope Foundation | Innovative financing

Aurum Kaleidoscope Foundation (“Aurum Kaleidoscope”) was formed in April 2022 as a charitable incorporated organisation which receives substantial donation income from Aurum. Aurum Kaleidoscope is…

Aurum Embedded Impact | Innovative financing

One of the biggest challenges for the NGO sector is in securing stable multi-year annuity style funding. To fill this gap, Aurum has worked to pioneer innovative financing models, creating a selection…

Mobilising the hedge fund industry | Advocacy and engagement

The hedge fund industry deals with complexity and risk every day. Fundamental to the industry’s success are analysis of data and the need to understand the impact of trends and systemic change. By e…

Manager data | Advocacy and engagement

The hedge fund industry deals with complexity and risk every day. Fundamental to the industry’s success are analysis of data and the need to understand the impact of trends and systemic change. By e…

Aurum team | Giving back

Aurum encourages its employees to support charities that are important to them and to use their skills and efforts to make a difference. The Aurum Group runs a programme that supports group employee f…

United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment | UN PRI

Aurum became a signatory to the PRI in 2014. The PRI works to understand the investment implications of ESG factors and to support signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment owne…

Cyber security | Reducing the risk

While controversial, the biggest cyber security threat to an organisation is via its people. Humans are the easiest route for a malicious programme to bypass a company’s network. This can be either…

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures | TCFD

Reflecting the Aurum Group’s focus on climate change and support for the Paris Agreement’s aim of keeping the increase in global average temperatures to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels,…

Business operations | Reducing our negative impact

At Aurum, we believe it is important to consider how our day-to-day operations can have an impact on environmental and social issues. The Aurum Group continually reviews its operations, seeking ways t…