Embedded Impact report 2025
Growing and protecting environmental, social and financial capital
Aurum’s ESG approach
The Aurum group has always had a strong and committed approach to sustainability, both in the way we run our business and in our approach to social responsibility. You can download our ESG Policy here, and read about our Alternative ESG Symposium here.
Our purpose as a business is to grow and protect capital. Not only our clients’ capital, but also environmental capital; our planet and species and social capital; healthcare and education. We express this through Embedded Impact®.
What is Embedded Impact®?
Aurum is an Embedded Impact® business where donations are structured to proportionately increase as firm AUM increases. Donations are made to selected environmental and humanitarian charities.
This ensures that as we grow and prosper as a business, we are using this success to create meaningful, positive impact.
Aurum also offers two specific Embedded Impact® Funds where donations are made by Aurum from advisor fees.
Key stats:
Synchronicity Earth Amphibian Programme | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth Asian Species | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth Biocultural Diversity Programme | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth Congo Basin Programme | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth Freshwater Programme | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth Ocean Programme | Conservation
Synchronicity Earth SHOAL Partnership | Conservation
Africa Nature Investors Foundation | Conservation
Buglife | Conservation
International Union for Conservation of Nature | Conservation
IUCN | Conservation policy engagement
More Than Carbon | Alternative approach to carbon offsetting
More Than Carbon | Inspiring others
Key stats:
Adara – Baby Ubuntu | Child protection and wellbeing
Africa Food for Thought | Child protection and wellbeing
Hope and Homes for Children | Child protection and wellbeing
One to One Children’s Fund | Child protection and wellbeing
Fair Play Playground | Disability and inclusion
Accessible Music and Theatre | Disability and inclusion
Sierra Leone Autistic Society | Disability and inclusion
Vision Bermuda | Disability and inclusion
Camp Simcha | Disability and inclusion
Essl Foundation | Disability and inclusion
Safe Passage | Refugee support
Choose Love | Refugee support
Mercy Ships | Life-changing healthcare provision
Medical Justice | Aiding persons in immigration detention
iheart | Cultivating mental health resilience
Aurum Bursary | Education and social mobility
Acumen | Changing the way the world tackles poverty
HelpFilm | Promoting philanthropic impact
Key stats:
Aurum Kaleidoscope Foundation | Innovative financing
Aurum Embedded Impact | Innovative financing
Mobilising the hedge fund industry | Advocacy and engagement
Manager data | Advocacy and engagement
Aurum team | Giving back