What we do
Aurum is a hedge fund investment specialist focused solely on selecting hedge funds and managing fund of hedge fund portfolios. Our portfolios are designed to grow and protect our clients’ capital, while providing consistent and diversified returns.
Aurum believe investors should have access to the industry’s best hedge fund managers and solutions designed to deliver the returns they seek. Over the past thirty years, Aurum has developed deep expertise, continuously refining our approach while actively listening to investors’ concerns to better serve their needs.
Aurum provides a trusted and repeatable investment and operational due diligence process, with a proven and consistent investment philosophy. Investors need to feel secure in their choice of provider.
We have delivered results to clients with five clear investment needs.
To access the Aurum range of funds please register here
Real inflation adjusted returns
Low volatility of returns
Capital protection during turbulent markets
Low correlation to equities and bonds
High consistency of positive performance